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Preparing for Newborn: Bringing Your Newborn Baby Home 


The day your newborn baby comes home is an exciting early milestone. However, many NYC parents feel stressed when preparing for bringing an infant into the home. This big adjustment includes learning how to clean your child’s bedroom or sleeping space. More than anywhere else, the nursery must be scrupulously clean to prevent irritants, allergens, or germs.

Here is some other advice we recommend to new parents:

Choose your products wisely and use them as directed

While it is very important to remove germs, some products are simply too harsh for an infant’s sensitive skin.

Choose non-toxic, plant-based products. These products are gentle and effective.

Brands we like are:

Honest Company, chemical free products safe for a newborn baby

Method, plant-based cleansers that power through all infant-related messes

Mrs. Meyers is another strong and effective all-natural, plant based selection

Dr. Bronner’s unscented soaps clean multiple surfaces efficiently

Dapple Baby laundry detergent is free from dye and irritating chemicals

DIY cleaners made with vinegar and baking soda offer another inexpensive and effective solution.

If you choose conventional cleaners, read the directions carefully. Rinse or dilute as required. Always opt for “free and clear” versions, as many little ones have dye and perfume sensitivities.

Disinfect baby’s bedding and surfaces.

To keep your newborn baby safe, go beyond washing and actually disinfect. Wash baby’s bedding in hot water with a bleach alternative or antibacterial additive. Use a dryer instead of air drying if possible. Clean all surfaces in your infant’s room, even if you think they have never been used. Prepare your home for the newborn baby’s arrival by sanitizing all other frequently used surfaces, especially in your room and the main living or family area.

Choose infant toys that are easy to clean

Babies explore the world by touching everything within arm’s reach and by putting objects in their mouths. Clean and sterilize infant toys regularly. Consider getting toys that are disposable or simple to keep clean. Put hard, non-porous plastic toys into the dishwasher. Toss plush toys and blankets in the washing machine. It will make regular cleaning so much easier and give you more time with your newborn baby.

Anchor the furniture in the nursery and high-traffic areas

While newborn infants cannot yet walk or crawl, get ready ahead of time by securing furniture when you set up the nursery. Babies and toddlers use furniture to stabilize themselves when learning to crawl and walk. Anchoring it prevents it from collapsing or falling when pulled on. Store items in closets or drawers and keep dangerous products out of reach. Also consider anchoring furniture in the other rooms the baby will visit.

Remove all trip hazards and reduce risk

When setting up the nursery, less is more. Keep a clear path so you can easily navigate through the room during times you may not be so alert, such as for 3am feedings or after a long day at work. Store all baby’s toys and items in closets, cupboards, or on shelves so nothing is left on the floor. If you have electronics in the infant’s sleeping area, keep them high out of reach. Untangle cords and bring them off the floor with clips, tape, or attractive cord covers. Avoid slippery flooring or rugs without reliable non-slip backing in the newborn baby room.

Hire the professionals to help you prepare for your newborn!

The experts at Galaxy Maids have cleaned many homes for families all across New York City. Take the worry out of cleaning for newborn baby. You can easily find exactly the service you need and book online. Welcome your new little one home without breaking a sweat with the help of NYC’s best cleaning company!

Rely on Galaxy Maids to prepare for a newborn baby

Fortunately, a thorough Galaxy Maids cleaning prepares the nursery for the newborn baby’s homecoming by removing dirt, bacteria, and viruses. Galaxy Maids offers a variety of services to suit every need and budget. A single room cleaning prepares the nursery for the new baby. A whole house scrub makes your home look great in preparation for visiting family and friends. Cleaning in anticipation of your newborn baby also helps new parents feel a little more relaxed.