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Kitchen Sanitizer for Countertops and Fridge

Sanitizing areas around your home can sound like a complicated task but in fact, it is rather easy. Being a maid service company Galaxy Maids keeps abreast with current state and federal guidances. Applying this homemade, FDA-suggested, kitchen sanitizer periodically will ensure that you keep your kitchen countertops and refrigerator sanitized. The best part about it is that the sanitizing solution preparation is as easy as mixing one teaspoon of chlorine bleach per quart of clean water. Or you can purchase a dedicated kitchen sanitizer.

Kitchen Sanitizer for Countertops

The FDA suggests cleaning countertops with hot soapy water after preparing each food item. The suggestion intends for you to complete this quick cleaning in between food items when preparing multiple items. To ensure sanitized countertops the FDA suggests that you apply the chlorine bleach/water solution periodically. Leave the bleach solution on the surface for ten minutes for it to be effective.

In addition to taking those steps during and after food preparation, the FDA also suggests taking two additional steps to help you sanitize countertops. The first is to replace worn cutting boards since they can be a fertile environment for bacteria growth. And, the second is to consider using disposable paper towels that throw away germs from cleanup with the towel.

Kitchen Sanitizer for Fridge Cleaning

Frequent fridge cleaning can be tedious but it is suggested by the FDA. Combining a dishwashing detergent with hot water is the best approach. Using this cleaning solution to wipe down the inside walls and shelves, then rinsing, will take care of your fridge cleaning needs. It is also important to keep on top of spills and wipe them up immediately.

Similarly here, the use of disposable paper towels will be beneficial to throw away germs after cleaning. If cloth towels, cleaning sponges, or similar are used, be particularly mindful of not using the same item to clean countertops and fridges. If you have to use the same item ensure that it is thoroughly washed and sanitized before performing the fridge cleaning. Failing to do so risks cross-contamination of the fridge with germs from your countertop.

Final Thoughts & Maid Service

Sanitizing countertops and completing fridge cleaning should be routine activities. However, these tasks can seem complicated and tedious, leading to inconsistent practices especially in the fast-paced lives of residents in the New York City and Long Island areas. A professional cleaning service will take care to ensure that these areas are not overlooked. The maid service cleaning professionals at Galaxy Maids are trained to meet and exceed the suggested practices outlined by the FDA to sanitize countertops and fridges. Booking a bi-weekly kitchen and refrigerator cleaning will ensure sanitize countertops and fridge.