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How To Deep Clean a House With Pets

How To Deep Clean a House With Pets

Keep your pet-friendly home clean. Pets add joy to our lives. They serve as our snuggle buddies, emotional comforters, and a reason to get out of bed on cold, rainy mornings. As much as we love them, though, pets can be messy.  Both dogs and cats shed, get dirty, and have accidents. Puppy’s nose-smears and Kitty’s hairballs present a housekeeping challenge. Our beloved furry friends are careless about keeping the place clean. From muddy paws, wall scuffs to litter boxes, maintaining a pet-friendly home can be difficult. However, enjoying both your home and your pets is possible. The following will detail how to deep clean a house with pets and help you on your journey to reclaim your house from a grubby pet palace to a sparkling clean sanctuary for home and family. Are you still feeling overwhelmed with household chores? Don’t forget that Galaxy Maids is available to keep things tidy. Schedule your cleaning today!

An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure

  • Regular Brushing – Stop shedding before it starts with routine pet brushing. Matted pet hair is a nuisance on rugs and furniture. Untended, the home can quickly become host to tumbleweeds of pet hair that mar floors and ornate carpets. This fur and dander is also a potential allergen. Brush your pet regularly – at least once per week – in a designated area. Brush more often if your pet has long fur or suffers hairballs.
  • Catch Muddy Paws – Are you tired of your pet tracking dirt or mud into the house? Install dirt-catching rugs at any entrance your dog or cat uses. Look for rugs with specialized spines or fabric to clean dirty paws. We love the Dog Gone Smart rug for catching muck and dirt.
  • Invest In The Right Diet – Cheaper brands of pet foods contain ingredients that may lead to upset tummies. Spotting, messes, and accidents frequently result. If you notice frequent issues, consult with your veterinarian. A proper diet can reduce runny stool, indigestion, frequent urination, or stomach upset.
  • Avoid Bathroom Issues – Fastidious cats will avoid dirty litter boxes. Anxious pups may go on the carpet if not taken outside regularly. Reduce bathroom mishaps by setting up a regular schedule. Litter boxes should be scooped or cleaned out several times each week. Do you still see spotting or spraying? Pretty Litter is a silica-based litter that changes color to diagnose the issue. For dogs, make sure you have a regular schedule for outside time or walkies. If your puppy still wets inside, increase the frequency of walks or use puppy training pads.
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Tackling Everyday Messes – How to deep clean a house with pets.

  • Pet Stains – The solution to most pet stains is an enzyme-based cleaner. Unlike traditional products, these contain bacteria that devour and destroy urine, poo, and other stains. First blot or wipe up the mess. Then spray or sprinkle on. Most products should be sprayed on liberally and allowed to dry. However, always read the directions on the package. Test fabrics for colorfastness before applying. Clean pet marks as soon as you see them as they can become ground in or stubborn with time.
  • Smelly Furniture – Many of us love to snuggle our pets on the furniture. However, those without good grooming habits can create a stink. A dash of baking soda offers a simple solution. Pour it on lightly and let it sit for 15 minutes before vacuuming. We also love fabric refreshers like Febreze. Can’t stand pets on the furniture? Use a carpet protector with the spiky side up to deter pets from joining you on the couch.
  • Pet Hair – Annoying pet hair can spoil the look of a room. It is also a potential allergen or irritant to residents and guests. Consider investing in a vacuum built to tackle pet fur. Regular use of Swiffer dry sheets also cuts down on the mess. Has pet hair built up in your home? Here is an easy DIY solution. Wrap a sponge or mop in duct tape with the sticky side facing out. Use it to clean furniture, floors, corners, your vehicle, or anywhere else fur lingers.

Galaxy Maids Are NYC Maid Service Experts

After a busy day at work or with kids, not many people feel like cleaning. Galaxy Maids is your sparkle cleaning solution! Our maids are experts at tidying, maintaining, and performing deep cleans. Whether you’re looking for an eco-friendly cleaning solution or have a particular issue you’re struggling with, we can help. Come home to a clean, welcoming environment where you’re free to relax. Treat a friend or loved one to a tidy home. Call or book online today!